A dad of twin boys is considering tattooing or piercing one of his young sons in order to tell them apart, after a terrifying mix up with medication.


The father of the 12-month-old boys, Adam and Aaron, took to Reddit to explain that one his sons is extremely ill and requires medication every four hours.


However, following a mix up last weekend whereby Adam received Aaron’s medication, the dad is considering tattooing or piercing his boys so that it doesn’t happen again.


Revealing that while they normally draw on little Adam’s arm in order to tell them apart, it backfired when following a bath, Grandma accidently gave Adam Aaron’s medication, leaving the youngster very ill.


“This is a serious extreme situation and I don't want to take this risk again. We have had other mix ups with the boys but it has never wound up this bad,” he wrote on Reddit.


“I read online about someone tattooing a single dot on one of their twins and also about piercing ears. I really hate to say it but we are here. I need to do something permanant.”



While Reddit users were divided on his approach, many offered helpful advice. 







It seems the advice from users was taken onboard, as according to the dad he will more than likely go down the ear piercing route:  



SHARE if you think ear piercing is a good idea in this incidence. 


