Ah, working mum’s guilt. Try as we might, we just can’t seem to escape that dreaded phrase, can we? It sums up one of the biggest dilemmas that we face as parents: how do I strike that balance between my work life and my family life?
Recent research carried out by Baby Dove revealed that 88 percent of Irish mums feel guilty about going to work rather than staying at home with their child. While it can be challenging, there are actually so many positives to being a working mum – and we’re here to remind you.
The important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong way to get that balance right - you need to be realistic and, above all else, you need to be kind to yourself. So, for those of you who need to be reminded of what an awesome job you are doing, here are eight wonderful things about being a working mum.
1. Every mum's achievements set a great example 
We understand that worries will sometimes creep in when you’re a working mum; you’re concerned that you’re not ‘there’ enough, or that you’re not spending enough time with your little one. When you start to question yourself, remember the incredible example you are setting for your child. By having a career and raising a family, you can teach your little one that they can achieve anything.
2. They can really appreciate your time together
Any working mum who has been there will know what it’s like to miss their child when they’re not together; it’s really hard, and it can leave you feeling guilty. When those pangs of guilt do start to creep in, you need to remind yourself of all those precious moments you get to spend together before and after work; that quality time that you both look forward to, and can savour and appreciate all the more.
3. Mums can inspire their children to follow their passions
Every single person is unique, and this is something we need to remember when it comes to motherhood. There is no set way to approach life, career and parenting – we need to do it our way, and do it with love and gusto. It’s a wonderful thing, to be passionate about your job and your career, and this can undoubtedly rub off on your own child when it comes to following their own dreams and goals.
4. It accommodates a comfortable lifestyle
When we’re raising our children, we want to instil in them that money doesn’t have to be everything, and that love and compassion can also be an important focus. However, the next time you feel that working mum’s guilt creeping in, remember that your career can help you to keep your little one warm, fed, clothed and comfortable. While the material things aren’t always the most important, they serve as a reminder that those hours away from your little one are for a very good reason.
5. They learn that jobs can be important
There is also another practical benefit for your child – they are learning about money, and how it works, at an early age. Seeing their parents working hard and making sacrifices to provide the best life they possibly can for their family teaches them why jobs can be important.
6. Fulfilling your ambitions can help you as a parent
If you feel happy and fulfilled in one aspect of your life, it can naturally spread to other areas of your life, too. If your career is important to you, and you feel fulfilled at work, this can have a knock-on effect during that special time you get to spend at home with your precious little ones, too. And when you’re happy, it makes everything – even the toughest day – seem lighter and easier.
7. It can teach them to be more independent
Our children are always at the forefront of our thoughts, which is why (let’s be honest, here) we want to be there for them every second of the day. And when that isn’t possible, we can’t help but worry about them. Who’s going to tie their laces? What if they fall over and hurt themselves? We tend to plague ourselves with questions! What we are forgetting, however, is that our little ones love to be independent, and a little time away from parents can encourage that.
8. Children will always be proud of their parents 
While they may not be able to express it when they are very young; the older your children get, the easier it will be for them to show how grateful and proud they are of you for providing for them. A cuddle, a kiss, or a ‘thank you’ will make those tough days when you just don’t want to leave the house seem worth it.
Brought to you by
Baby Dove
Baby Dove believes that there are no perfect mums, only real ones. And however you choose to bring up your baby, it's perfect for both of you. Formulated with the Dove difference, their products are ultra-mild with added moisturising care for delicate baby skin. So you can enjoy precious caring moments with your little one, however you choose to be a mum. Baby Dove - a caring way to do it your way.
For more information, follow this link.

