Who would I be,
If it wasn't for you
To nurture and love me,
When life was all new

You taught me to be good,
Kind and thoughtful too
However could I not be,
That's all I see in you

You'd mend my broken heart
And dry my many tears,
You taught me life lessons
I'd need through out the years

And now I have my own babies
You love and help to rear,
When times are tough I need my mum
You're always there to care

I'll teach them all you taught me
and love them like you do,
So when I see them grow and flourish
I'll know it's down to you

I love you to the moon and back
You're the best mum there could be, 
I cherish every moment
Of the days just you and me

So now I ask myself 
Who would I be,
If it wasn't for you 
I wouldn't be me. 

Lindsay O'Flaherty is a 31-year-old Irish Mammy living in Hertfordshire. I wanted to just be Mary Poppins but my kids broke my umbrella...and everything else I own so now I write about all things life and parenting as we know it. I have three kids aged three and under. It helps to laugh so let's laugh together. Follow Lindsay's blog Mary Not So Poppins.
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