Cliona Byrne

Cliona Byrne

Body Positive Parenting
Cliona Byrne helps Mums who struggle with their body image to like their bodies so they can raise their kids to be body confident badasses. We all learn our beliefs on how we should look and be from our families, this is why Cliona created Body Positive Parenting, to help parents to raise their kids with a positive body image. Cliona is a certified coach and has helped families from all over the world to break the cycle of children inheriting their parents' hang-ups and insecurities. 
Every single person she has worked with has a similar story- You were born with not one negative feeling about your body. Not one! You proudly came into this world butt naked and as a toddler, you freely ran around naked after bath time. But somewhere between happily playing with lego to growing hair (in places where hair hadn’t been before), you started to not like your body. So what happened? 
We all learn our beliefs on how we should look and be from our families. Was your Mum always on a diet, did your family praise slim bodies, did your Grandparent once tell you that you had thick legs (or insert whatever they said that has stuck with you to this VERY DAY)? Your family shared their beliefs, and then the little kid version of you soaked it up like a sponge and looked out into the world to find things to support whether or not those beliefs were true… and then that’s when you noticed the airbrushed people in magazines and the thin chiseled celebs on TV.
Your parents shaped how you think and feel about bodies.
Now you’re the parent and you can choose whether or not your kids will inherit your body hang-ups.
For more information, visit

