Washing your face is definitely one of the most important evening rituals you have to do - it's definitely up there with brushing your teeth. But the task doesn't simply involve splashing water onto your face it and rubbing in a little soap, there is way more to it than that. A lot more.
Take off your make-up first
Taking off your make-up does not mean that your face is now clean - you need to remove any products from your skin it in order to give it a proper wash.
Use products suitable for your skin type
Make sure you only cleanse and tone with products suitable for your skin type: sensitive, dry, oily or combination. Otherwise you can end up adding oil on top of oil.
Don’t overdo it
You don’t need to wash your face twice a day, once is enough. Otherwise you will just end up stripping it of it’s natural oil and cause irritation.
Use clean hands
Yes before you wash your face, you need to wash your hands. If you don't you will just end up transferring bacteria from your hands to your face.
Always moisturise after
Never forget to moisturise, even if you have oily skin as it will help protect your skin and keep it hydrated.
Exfoliating your face is actually pretty important and should be done at least once a week. This will help stop pores becoming clogged with dead skin causing blemishes.