On August 2nd, these parents received heartbreaking news that changed their lives forever.
Christina and Brett Thompson were devastated when their daughter was diagnosed with leukemia.
Just two days later, their little girl Phoenix began aggressive chemotherapy treatment. Brett and Christina had to find a way to balance caring for their four other children and hospital visits with their daughter.
The following four weeks were tough, but the family pulled through by leaning on one another for support.
While Phoenix’s mum stayed with her daughter to help look after her during medical treatments, her father quit his job to mind the rest of the children, trying to visit whenever he could.
So, it was quite an emotional day when the sweet two-year-old finished her last day of chemotherapy on her first round of treatment.
And Brett knew the perfect way to celebrate!
Posing as a volunteer, he dropped off a beautiful princess dress for Phoenix and later returned for a surprise father-daughter dance.
Even Christina was shocked! The dad arrived in a suit and swept his little girl off her feet, swaying with her to the music.
The mum caught the precious moment on camera and was so happy to see her little girl smiling in her father’s arms.
She said: “Honestly I don’t think I could have picked a better man for my kids. At 2 years old this is hard on her, on her family, and the people that love her. These little moments make these times not so hard.
“Brett, thank you for being just what our children need. Did I mention she really loves her daddy?”
The video captured the overflowing love this daddy has for his daughter and the intimate bond they will always share.
Brett and Christina have started a gofundme page for their daughter’s medical bills. If you would like to donate, click here.