Ageing and signs of ageing on the skin are important concerns for women. However, current cosmetics and skincare methods fall short of meeting women’s needs. That is why women are turning to aesthetic medicine and more invasive techniques.
The skin appears visibly more youthful in just 30 minutes. The treatment begins with exfoliation then application of the Age Influx Concentrate, which stimulates epidermal regeneration.
Next, the Vibrosmoothing electrode is used to smooth the skin, focusing on areas of concern. Finally, the Vibrodermic electrode specifically targets the dermis, emitting a frequency that helps smooth wrinkles and firm the skin.
Step One: Age Influx Concentrate:
The Application of Age Influx Concentrate offers a comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation. This formula boosts skin microcirculation, stimulates cutaneous innervation and regenerates elastic fibres.
Step Two: Vibrosmoothing Electrode:
The remarkable effects of the treatment involve the smoothing of the epidermis and a reduction of skin contractility. This transformative process evens skin tissue, minimises wrinkles, using two vibration frequencies.
Step Three: Vibrodermic Electrode:
This approach boasts multiple benefits, including the effective smoothing of wrinkles and lines and it actively reduces contractility through pressure.
1: Regenerates the epidermis through skin microcirculation
With age, blood flow decreases. As the basal layer of the skin receives less oxygen, energy, vitamins and amino acids, cell renewal in the epidermis slows.
The active ingredient LIFE INFLOW targets thermal receptors and causes a sensation of heat as well as vasodilation. The renewed blood flow helps regenerate the epidermis and restore density to the dermis, and the new skin that appears looks smoother and more youthful.
2: Stimulates regeneration through cutaneous innervation
With age, the different sensory nervous systems in the skin show decreased activity. The skin is a living organ, and its metabolism also depends on nerve impulses. The active ingredient LIFE INFLUX restarts cutaneous innervation and stimulates cell renewal.
3: Regenerates cells with 56 cellular active ingredients
With age, fibroblasts show decreased activity. Fibroblasts are specialised cells in the dermis that produce structural support proteins and restore the skin’s firmness and tonicity. They play a role in the metabolism of scar formation (elastin, collagen, reticulin, etc.). The active ingredient FIBERLIFE is derived from a cell culture medium (20 amino acids, 14 vitamins and 22 biological elements).
Guinot’s Age reverse Facial RRP €145, is available in selected Guinot Franchise and Stockist Salons
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