Father's Day is in full swing ladies, and we're suddenly feeling very sentimental- it happens. 


Anyway, we got thinking about the wonderful men in our lives, from the fathers of our babies, to our own lovely dads - and all they do for us. 


With that in mind, we decided to have a look at some special tattoos that we could get (if brave enough!) to honour the men this Father's Day. 


Have a look and let us know your thoughts. 


1. A special message in his handwriting.


Dad tattoos: 17 ideas for tattoos to honour your father - goodtoknow


2. Holding hands with the main man. 


Father/daughter tattoo                                                                                                                                                                                 Mais


3. Matching 'I love you' in each other's handwriting. 


20  Mother Daughter Tattoo Ideas (1)


4. Keep him in your heart, always. 


Sweet. Simple. To the point. Lovely tattoo ideas to pay tribute to dad


5. Does your dad love to cycle?  


"A bicycle ride is a flight from sadness." -James E. Starrs


6. The Celtic symbol for 'father and daughter'. 


Image result for celtic knot father daughter


7. Big bear and little bear.


bear tattoo | Tumblr


8. A special quote 


11 Fathers And Daughters Who Took The Plunge And Got Matching Tattoos

