Getting baby to sleep is a very different story in households all across the country. While some mums are lucky enough to have a youngster who has no problem going to sleep, many others are struggling with an infant who constantly wakes up for no reason. For mums in this situation they can literally be at the end of their tether dealing with sleepless night after sleepless night when their baby simply refuses to settle.


When it comes to establishing a routine and bedtime, we all have different methods of getting our little ones to sleep. While some mums might choose to soothe their youngster to sleep picking them up whenever they cry, others like to use the crying it out method. This involves teaching your baby to fall asleep on their own and to break any frustrating sleep issues.


What is crying it out?

It is important to know that allowing your baby to cry it out doesn’t mean that you ignore them after you settle them for the night and let them cry for an unlimited amount of time. Nor do you do it when they are unwell, teething or just generally having a bad night. Rather it means letting youngsters, who have gotten into the habit of waking up for no reason, to cry for a certain period of time before soothing them.


Start off gradually

It is important you start off the length of time you allow them to cry gradually. On the first night allow them cry for one minute before going in to them, two minutes the second time and so on. Over a number of days you can increase the time between them crying and you soothing by a minute or two.


What should you do when you do go to them?

When you do go into check them after the set time period, check that they aren’t wet, make them comfy and settle them down. Try to keep your voice soft and calm and your time spent with them to a minimum. Remember, you are trying to not reward their crying.


When should you start?

Your baby won’t really understand that night-time means sleep time so try to leave off using this process until they are about nine months old.


This method is certainly not for every mum with many not being able to resist the urge to go to their little one when they cry, but for others who are really struggling with bedtime it can offer a solution. However, before you consider this method it is important that both you and your partner are on the same page and that it suits both your baby’s temperament and your own. 

