Roderic O'Gorman, the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, has launched the Parent and Toddler Group Grants Initiative 2024.
This initiative comes as part of the Government’s First 5 Strategy.
Funding of €250,000 has been secured by the Minister and this will be allocated to Parent and Toddler Groups nationwide through local City/County Childcare Committees.
From today, Parent and Toddler Groups are being asked to make an application for funding under this new Initiative.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has confirmed that ‘the emphasis this year will again be on supporting Parent and Toddler Groups that offer a welcome to Ukrainian families and to all families who are newly arrived in Ireland’.
There will be two streams of funding following on from the success of last year’s grants.
One part of the initiative will be a funding of €800 for existing Groups and €1,000 for the establishment of new Groups.
The second part is for funding of up to €300 to establish and operate Buggy Walking Groups, which is open to any existing or new organisations who wish to offer a minimum of six organised walks within their community.
These Buggy Walking Groups are organised social walks for parents/guardians and young children.
When announcing this year’s Parent and Toddler Group Grant Initiative, Minister O’Gorman stated, “First 5 the whole of government strategy for under 6’s recognises children’s early years as a critical and distinct period to be enjoyed”.
“My Department helps families to nurture babies and young children and support their development, with additional support for those who need it”.
“Parent and Toddler Groups provide a great meeting place for parents and guardians with young children to relax and chat together in a supportive environment while children can play”.
O’Gorman added, “I want to thank all the Groups that are offering a welcome and friendship to parents and children in their communities as well as those newly arrived to Ireland. I am delighted to be able to support this work”.