So many charities have been negatively affected by the current coronavirus pandemic. Fundraising events have come to a halt and they're struggling more than ever to raise vital money. Luckily, the Irish public always rallies around those in need and have been donating in their thousands. Guide Dog Day is taking place on Friday, May 8 and they are calling on the public to help them raise much needed funds and to celebrate the difference their dogs make to those who are vision impaired and the families of children with autism who can lead more independent lives.
The Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the organisation. All community fundraising has been cancelled since March and now on into the summer months against a background where it costs €5 million per annum to run the charity and €53,000 to train one Guide Dog. 35 Guide Dog Clients currently awaiting services and 45 dogs are currently in training need to complete their training and begin the matching process.
There are currently 111 puppies who need to continue their formal training.
There is also high demand to open the 2020 Assistance Dog Programme which is planned for once social distancing restrictions are reduced.
You can help support Guide Dog Day in so many ways, whether that's donating a fiver or by setting up your very own online fundraiser.
Ways to donate details the seven ways to donate including:
- Text WOOF to 50300 to donate €4. (Text cost €4. Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind will receive a minimum of €3.60. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 076 6805278.);
- Donate online
- Set up an online fundraiser
- Donate by credit card (1850 506 300)
- Post a cheque
- By electronic transfer; or
- Using in-store Chip & Pin or collection boxes.