If you’re anything like us, you probably live in your denims. You will also probably have a favourite pair of jeans that you have nightmares over being parted with. If you can absolutely relate, then you will definitely find these handy denim care tips useful.
1. Maintaining freshness
We all tend to be a little cautious when it comes to washing our denims, with those all-too real fears of fading and shrinking to the fore of our thoughts. A good tip for keeping your denims fresh in between washes is to hang them in the bathroom while you take a shower; the steam will work the odours from your jeans, maintaining freshness.
2. Preventing fading
If you’re worried about your favourite jeans fading, wash them inside-out, either in cold water or on the ‘delicate’ setting on your washing machine.
3. Keeping your dark denim dark
For lovers of dark denim, your jeans will rarely look as good as they do the first time you wear them. A good trick for keeping their darkness is to add a cup of vinegar – and no detergent – to the wash, and wash in cold water. The vinegar will act as a ‘seal’ for the dark dye, and as a result it won’t run as easily in the next wash.
4. Getting your denim tailored
Getting the 'perfect' fit often requires a trip to the tailor, but it is advised that you wash your denim twice before sending it in for treatment – this is because jeans always shrink in length when they are washed.
5. Checking size with the Neck Method
If you don’t have time to fit your jeans on in the shop, the Neck Method is a trick that many style-savvy ladies depend on. Stick your thumbs into the edges of the hip area of the jeans, then wrap the waistline around your neck to make a circle. If the waistline just wraps around your neck, without any excess material, then the jeans will fit your waist.
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