Holidaymakers heading to Spain or Portugal this week are being told to expect record-breaking temperatures, especially inland.


Met Éireann have said that temperatures could reach a stifling 48°C in inland parts of the Algarve.


The last time Europe saw such extreme heat was in Athens in 1977. 



"The temperatures will be highest for inland parts of Portugal and Spain," forecaster Harm Luijkx said.


"Most people who go on holidays will go to coastal areas and temperatures will be a bit less hot there - between 30°C and 35°C.


"It might be best to avoid inland areas of Portugal and Spain for the next week or so."



The weather will be slightly different for those of us who are staying at home though.


According to Met Éireann, we should expect temperatures of between 20°C and 26°C with a "mix of showers and sunshine."


