We could sit here for days on end discussing the health issues that require serious attention, but it’s all for naught if action isn’t taken.


With Philadelphia ranked among the top states in the US for infant mortality rates (there are a reported 10.5 deaths for every 1,000 live births), Temple University Hospital recently chose to take decisive action to turn things around.


The hospital has come in for major praise this week, after introducing a ‘baby box’ scheme to ensure that every baby born in the hospital gets a safe and healthy start to life.



Each mum who delivers at the hospital is to receive a baby box, which doubles as a fully-functioning bassinet with a built-in mattress and sheet.


Dr Megan Heere explained that the box provides the tot with a completely safe sleeping environment: “We weren’t sure how people were going to react to putting their babies in a box, but it’s been an overwhelmingly positive response.”


When presented to the new mother, the box also contains baby essentials including everything from basic clothing and nappies to important information on looking after a newborn.



Estimated to be worth between $80 and $100 each, the idea was inspired by a similar model in Finland which has been in use since as far back at the 1940s.


While the hospital is paying for half of the cost of the baby boxes, the sum is being supplemented by private grants.


Do you think every hospital should take on this scheme?



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