Mums, have you ever wondered about what your hairstyle actually says about you?
Well, according to a new study published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, your hair actually matches your name.
Confused? We were too, at first.
The research found that people can match names to their faces, and participants in the study were also able to correctly guess names based solely on hairstyles.
“In one study, our participants picked the depicted person’s correct name by only looking at their hairstyle when the face itself was blurry,” the lead author of the study, Yonat Zwebner, told Allure last week.
He continued, saying: “Hairstyle is presumably one of the most controlled features in people’s faces. So it is possible that we choose a hairstyle that fits the stereotype of our name.”
The theory all boils down to stereotypes, and how we view them.
"Expectations are many times based on stereotypes. We already know from previous research that names have stereotypes. "
"Therefore, like other stereotypes, one may indeed become more and more like his/her name expectations, including appearance. This is strongly supported by the fact that our participants chose names according to hairstyle alone."
We cannot help but wonder if this is why celebrities style their hair in certain ways (like when Britney Spears shaved her head in 2007).
"It suggests that people embrace a certain hairstyle, and probably more facial features that fit the expectations of how they should look according to their names.”
What do you think, mums? Do you think your hairstyle reflects your name, or is this science mumbo-jumbo?
We're not entirely convinced.