New mothers sometimes find it difficult to feed their babies in public. It is important to feel comfortable however, as it is your right to breastfeed whenever and wherever you like. In Ireland the law protects mothers from being discriminated against or harrassed because they are breastfeeding in public. When your baby is hungry he needs to be fed. It is also a fact that a crying baby will draw more attention to you than a nursing baby will. There are a number of ways to feed your baby anytime, very discreetly.
Make sure to wear clothing that will make it easier to feed your baby such as tops with buttons down the front, or one of the many nursing garments that are available on the market. If you are in a mall or a store, find a bench or chair to sit on. If none are available, ask if you can nurse your baby in one of the fitting rooms.
Try to nurse your baby before he starts crying for a feed. This will draw less attention to you, and will also ensure that your baby nurses calmly as well. If your baby is big enough, wear a nursing necklace. This is a string of non-toxic colorful beads that the baby can play with while nursing, rather than pull your top up with their free hand.
While you are nursing your baby, drape a light shirt or jacket over your shoulder to cover yourself rather than a blanket. A blanket will tell everyone that you are nursing and will also be too warm for your baby.
You can also nurse your baby in a sling. It is simply a matter of drawing the padded rail up to cover yourself and your baby, turn your baby’s body towards you, and you are ready to nurse. Please do not nurse your baby in a public bathroom - would you be happy to eat your lunch there?
As long as you are being discreet when you are nursing your baby, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You are seeing to your baby’s needs in the best possible way, and are showing respect by not offending anyone.

