When it comes to applying fake tan, it is important that you take your time. Unfortunately, when you’ve got a few kids hanging out of you, this is often impossible, leaving you with orange hands, streaky legs and dark patches.
However, before you panic, try these simple tricks to make your tan look flawless and natural.
To get rid of streaks, you will need to use a really light body scrub. Gently rub the scrub over the streaks to make it look a little more even. Bear in mind, you don’t want to rub the tan away, just make the colour more even.
Orange hands
Unless you use a mitt, you are going to end up with orange palms. The best way to fix this problem is to rub a little bit of toothpaste onto your hands, until the stain is gone. Simply wash it off with warm soapy water.
Too dark
If you were a little too generous with your application, run a bath and rub your body in baby oil. It should remove a layer of tan from your skin, making you look a lot more natural.
Dark patches
Your elbow and knees soak up a lot more tan than other areas on your body. To correct these dreaded dark spots, exfoliate the area and soften it with some moisturiser.

