How to create a bedtime routine with the kids during bright summer evenings

Summertime is here! Although we have a fondness for this time of year for its beautiful weather, glorious beach days and happier atmosphere, there are a few things that we often struggle with during these months.

One such difficulty is keeping a consistent bedtime routine with our kids. Us adults adore the brighter summer evenings, but for young children, the sudden change can be confusing. The presence of sunlight until almost 11pm can end up causing little ones to insist upon staying up way past their bedtime.

Of course, it’s important for our children to get a great night’s sleep all year round - but how can you get them to unwind during the summer evenings?

Well, we have a few pieces of advice that might be useful to you! Below, we have set out our golden rules that we follow when it comes to getting our stubborn kids to go to bed when it is still bright outside. Try out these steps, and see if they make a difference:

Nighttime illusions

Of course, no one can force the sun to go away, but there are little things that you can do to limit its brightness indoors and help to create a cozy atmosphere for your child. The number one thing that we would recommend for your kid’s bedroom is blackout curtains - not only will they give the illusion of nighttime at 7pm, but they should also help to prevent your little one from waking up at the same time as the sun rising at 5am. We would also encourage the use of lullabies or white noise in the room, to drown out the noise of outdoor parties and barbecues.

Consistency is key

This isn’t necessarily a tip restricted just to summertime, but all year round! In order to keep things consistent, we would suggest that your child should have dinnertime, bathtime and bedtime at the same hours each night. We know how busy our summer schedules can be, and so this might not be possible to achieve every night, but your child will have the best chance of having a good night’s sleep if they have a bit of consistency. 

Don’t overload

Family time is such an important aspect of the summer months, as we find the time to get together and have wholesome days with our loved ones. The little ones often enjoy these days too, as they get to run around and play with their nearest and dearest. However, it’s important to keep their days balanced, so that they’re not too overstimulated or even overtired when it comes to bedtime. If they are having an exciting day, they might feel too buzzed to fall asleep that evening - so this is where the importance of a bedtime routine comes in. Also, be sure to schedule in some ‘downtime’ during each week, to allow your child to relax and recharge their social battery. This will definitely help them to feel more chilled out once bedtime rolls around!

Bedtime stories

Again, this is a rule that you should follow all year round! We know how tempting it can be to give your child lots of iPad time during their summer holidays. However, once bedtime arrives, it would be best to store the iPad away for the night and pick up a bedtime story instead. The harsh blue light emitted from electronic devices will only encourage your kid to stay awake, whereas a gentle reading of one of their favourite stories will bring a calm, sleepy atmosphere into their bedroom. Books over screens!

Be mindful of warm weather

Now that the summer temperatures have arrived, your child might find themselves becoming uncomfortably warm during the night. You can try and beat the heat by changing their winter bed sheets to lighter ones, dressing them in cooler summer pyjamas, and, if possible, keeping an air conditioner fan somewhere in their bedroom. It will likely still be a sticky night of sleep for them, but these little things will help!

