If you are looking for that smokey eyed look, but feel that dark colours are too harsh for daytime, you should try using shades of purple. This gives a much softer and fresher appearance than the usual black/charcoal look. Here are some of our tips for doing a purple smoky eye:
  1. Conceal: If your eyelids have dark or reddish undertones, purple shadow will look muddy, so start with concealer on your upper and lower lids — it will help the color look richer and brighter. Use a light liquid concealer to prevent creasing, and let it dry completely.
  2. Shadow: Apply a medium purple shade over your lids. Extend the shadow to the crease or just beyond for daytime, and higher up, to the browbone, for a more dramatic nighttime look. Apply a darker plum shade in the crease and along the upper and lower lashes, making the line wider at the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Highlight: Use a neutral (for day) or light lavender (for night) shadow in the inner corners of your eyes and on your browbone, just below the outer half of your brows.
  4. Blend: Blend well so you don’t have streaks. I like to use my ring finger to dab and blend shadow. Keep a makeup wipe on hand so you can wipe your fingers when going from one area to another.
  5. Add liner and mascara. For more drama, add black liner on upper and lower lids. Finish with black mascara.

