There is nothing worse than opening up your pressed power or bronzer compact only to find that it is now in a million crumbly pieces.
Not only is it a nuisance trying to use it when it is really crumbly, but it more often than not ends up ALL over your make-up when it opens in your vanity case.
However, before you start to panic or rush out to buy a new one, there IS something you can do and it actually works!
The following six steps will help put it back together so that it is almost like brand new:
1. Press the powder into the compact with your fingers, pushing hard so that it is as flat as possible
2. Fill a bottle cap with a little rubbing alcohol and pour a drop over the powder
3. Mix it around with your fingers until it has a paste-like appearance
4. Add more alcohol if needed
5. Flatten it down as much as possible using your fingers or the back of a spoon
6. Leave overnight to set and voilà