How to keep your babys gut healthy and why it’s important

The human gut is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, primarily bacteria, that plays a vital role in digestion, immune function, and even mood regulation. In newborns and infants, a healthy gut is especially critical, as it can influence their long-term health and well-being.

Here are a few reasons why maintaining a healthy gut in babies is so important:

Digestive health: a balanced gut microbiome is essential for proper digestion. It helps break down nutrients and absorb them, preventing discomfort from common issues like colic, constipation, and diarrhoea.

Immune support: a well-functioning gut can ensure the immune system is working well which can help protect your baby against infections and allergies.

Mood and behaviour: emerging research suggests a link between gut health and a baby's mood and behaviour, meaning that a healthy gut can contribute to a happier and calmer baby.

Here are some tips to help maintain your baby’s gut health:

  • Gentle digestion: you should try to practice gentle feeding techniques like burping your baby after meals and avoiding overfeeding, which can help minimize digestive discomfort.

  • Introduce solid foods gradually: when you decide to introduce solid foods, you should do so slowly and one at a time. This helps the baby’s gut adjust to new foods and reduces the risk of allergies.

  • Be patient with digestive issues: Babies’ digestive systems are still developing, so you will need to be patient and observe any signs of discomfort, if you have any concerns consult your health visitor, pharmacist, or GP.

  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics can sometimes disrupt the natural balance of gut bacteria so use them only when necessary and as prescribed.

  • Gentle tummy massage: Gentle tummy massage can aid digestion and comfort your baby, promoting a healthy gut.

  • Play outdoors: Let your baby spend time outdoors to expose them to different microbes, which can be beneficial for their gut health.

  • Hygiene is important: Keep your baby and their surroundings clean but remember that some exposure to germs can help build a stronger immune system.

  • Friendly bacteria: There are benefits to taking a friendly bacteria digestive supplement such as Colief Multibiotic Drops. This type of digestive supplement can provide strains of beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut and overall digestion.

Colief Multibiotic Drops contain a blend of 1.1 billion live bacterial cultures carefully selected to help maintain a balanced gut microbiome.  The specific strains used have been chosen for their effectiveness in promoting gut health in infants.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, LGG® is the world’s most documented bacteria strain, as well as Bifidobacterium infantis, a scientifically proven friendly bacteria for babies and children.

By reducing the likelihood and severity of gastrointestinal infections, it helps infants maintain a healthy digestive system and aids in nutrient absorption, supporting infants’ growth and development. If your baby is experiencing digestive discomfort, such as colic or constipation, Colief Multibiotic Drops may help alleviate their symptoms.  Moreover, these friendly bacteria strains work together to strengthen the infant’s immune system, potentially lowering the risk of allergies and promoting overall well-being.

Suitable for breastfed and formula-fed babies, from birth onwards. Colief® Multibiotic Drops may be used on an ongoing basis.



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Always consult with your GP or healthcare provider before introducing any new supplement to your baby's routine.


