Lockdown seems so endless right now. We’re sick of our silly walks and working from home and not being able to see anyone. And while all of that really sucks, there are lots of people who are saying that lockdown, in many ways, has provided positive experiences.
Yes, I think we can all agree it made us slow down, appreciate what we had and hopefully spend more time with close loved ones, but something major that very few people are discussing is the financial benefits of lockdown.
Obviously, this does not apply to everyone. There were so many jobs lost and people struggling in the face of the pandemic, despite the PUP payment. The entertainment food and drinks industries have been hit hard and it’s frustrating to see so many other things, like sports, being prioritised over problem areas like these. But for some people, those who were able to work form home in office settings, not being able to go anywhere actually kind of saved some people some money
People have been using their free time to get creative with money making or else curbing a bad spending habit, resulting in some people actually having lockdown savings. Here are some of the top tips and tricks out there to save and make money during lockdown.
Clear out and clear up!
In lockdown I, it seemed like the whole world and their mother was taking the time to do a big spring clean. Attics and storage units were ransacked in the first few weeks as we all looked for something to do. But once we had sorted what w e were going to keep and what would go, we realised; unless we dumped everything ( some of which was in perfectly good condition) there was nowhere for it to go!
I tried multiple charity shops once everything had opened up a little more again and was turned away from everywhere, despite having some good quality pieces from my wardrobe ready to go – it wasn’t that they were full. It was that there was still uncertainty about how Covid-19 was transmitting and clothes and other household items were potential carriers. So in the meantime, I now still have bags of clothes and items that are in perfectly good condition just lying around the house months later.
The solution – like everything else these days – is online! Old furniture, clothing, electronics – there’s a home for everything. I’ve heard of lots of women selling their clothes on DePop and Facebook Marketplace and Ebay (make sure you find a trusted seller) are also options to auction off your trusty but no-longer-treasured items.
Check your 2020 receipts
Is there a trip or an event you were meant to go on that never happened? You’re not alone. No one saw this massive life-changing event coming, so we couldn’t have known none of these things would be happening. My friends and family have cancelled flights, festival tickets, Airbnbs, and much more. And more often than not, you have to chase up the company to get a refund.
Having a quick scroll through your diary from last year means you could spot that flight or that weekend away that you never chased up on – and get your refund
Meal Prep
It’s not like you don’t have the time to now! Sitting down and planning for twenty minutes on a Sunday afternoon could be a major money game changer. If you’re someone who always vows to eat healthily at the start of the week, then buys a ton of fresh fruit and veg that you never use, in the long run, it can be a drain on your money. Plus, making a list can organise your thoughts, meaning you pick up the essentials and don’t waste money on things you don’t need and won’t use.
Shop around
This can apply to so many areas of your life. Whether it’s your weekly shop or your phone plan, a little research can go a long way. There are so many broadband and insurance companies out there, they’re all vying for your attention. Therefore, one of them is bound to have a deal suited to your budget – it just takes a little time and shopping around.
Commit to lockdown saving
It’s easy to think, well, we can’t go to restaurants or concerts or bars at the moment, so I’ll treat myself to something else instead. But that’s an easy trap to fall into.
Don’t get us wrong, we absolutely need things to look forward to at the moment and if that package of clothes or that takeaway brings you joy in this tough time, then you go for it.
But if you’re getting a takeaway once or twice a week, ask yourself; would I be going out to a restaurant once or twice a week when things were normal? This is a unique opportunity of time when you are not socially required to spend money on nights out, wedding presents, rounds or split meal tabs. If you’re serious about saving, look into what your normal entertainment budget would have been each month and see if you can save a portion of that, seeing as you can’t do those things now. Then the cash will be there for when we are finally able to get out and about again.