The HSE is urging people over the age of 70 to stay inside, regardless of how healthy and active they are. They must stay at home for the sake of their health, the HSE has stressed.
Eldery people are one of the most at risk groups from Covid-19 so cocooning is essential, not optional.
“We know many people over 70 are fit, well and active. Nevertheless the chief medical officer’s advice is that you should stay at home. We appreciate how frustrating this is but the reason the CMO has made that recommendation is based on what we know about the impact of the disease,” the HSE stated.
Cocooning involves staying at home, avoiding interacting with the public to prevent them contracting the virus.
Over 70s should minimise all non-essential contact with other members of their household during this time. They should also avoid family gatherings, public spaces and religious services.
They have also been advised to get someone else to buy their shopping and collect medications or to carry out any other essential errands. These deliveries should be left at the door to help avoid contact.
They must ensure that their phones are fully charged and regularly contact family or friends every day.
There’s no doubt that these measures are proving to be unbelievably difficult for the elderly, but they are more important than ever to ensure we flatten the curve.