After suffering one of the most heartbreaking experiences of her life, this mum decided to do something so selfless for the good of other mums and babies.


Wendy Cruz-Chan had a stillborn child decided to donate her breast milk for the sake of others resulting in her donating over 2,000 ounces of breast milk to six different mums and their newborns.



Sharing her story on social media, Wendy said of the experience that “it was very tiring, but it was so worth it.”


“Three months ago today, I embarked on a lactation journey three days after my stillbirth of my son Killian,” Wendy said in her post.


“I have pumped and donated 2,038 ounces of my breastmilk to six babies. I have finally reached my personal goal at over 2,000 ounces in three months.


“Now it’s time to end my lactation journey and concentrate on myself as I get my body ready for the next pregnancy.”



Pumping three to four hours every day, Wendy shared her message of positivity even in the face of something truly heartbreaking.


“I wanted to show that even after a tragic stillbirth, you can turn that into something positive and inspire those around you.


“Through my grief I evolved and learned to pull myself out of the darkness.


“Seeing those babies thriving from my milk, really helped me through my healing process.”



Wendy shared the whole process with her followers, many of who are mums who praised her for her amazing bravery.


“It's bittersweet that it is coming to an end. And I feel my hormones more sensitive. Making me cry more.


“Yearning for my son, yearning to breastfeed a baby directly.


“I feel touched by everyone's kindness, love, support, comments, and messages. It's almost overwhelming.


“I thank God that I'm able to inspire and educate others through my stillbirth journey.”

