We have heard of some really incredible birth coincidences in our time, but this latest one takes it to a whole new level!


Identical twin mothers have made headlines around the world, after each giving birth to their second set of twins!


Kelli Wall and sister Kerri Bunker, from Utah in the US, claim that their incredible coincidence is a total ‘miracle’.


The 36-year-old sisters are closer than close – as well as both being teachers, they work at the same school and married two best friends! However, even they are amazed at how their pregnancy and birth journeys have smashed the odds.


Their story began back in 2010, when Kelli and her husband welcomed twins after undergoing IVF. A year later, Kerri and her husband became parents to twins, also with the help of IVF.



Last June, Kelli was delighted to find out that she was expecting twins again, and this prompted Kerri to take a test – as it turned out, she was pregnant with twins too!


Kelli went on to welcome her little ones in January, with Kerri giving birth three weeks later, on February 13.


Speaking to local media, an astonished Kerri said: “I still can’t believe it! My mum and dad said, ‘You know what, obviously these babies need to be here. There’s a reason.’ So we’re chalking it up as a miracle.”


What an amazing tale to tell the family.


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