With a new baby, there's an adjustment period for the family pet, but with advance planning, you can avoid ruffling feathers (or fur).
Here are some tips on how to prepare your pet to a new addition to the family.
Schedule a check-up
A visit to the vet will ensure that your dog or cat is in good health and up-to-date on all vaccinations. If necessary, you might want to spay or neuter your pet - this usually makes an animal calmer and less likely to bite.
Play pretend
Start getting your dog or cat used to the idea of an infant in the house. Try holding a lifelike doll so your pet adjusts to seeing you with a baby.
Make changes now
If you won't want your pet sleeping in your bed or jumping on the furniture anymore, establish these boundaries ASAP. Don't introduce the new baby and new rules at the same time. Your pet may misbehave and also have a negative reaction toward the baby.
Be prepared
Put your baby's things in place - changing table, crib, bassinet - a few weeks in advance. Let your pet become accustomed to the new items and the different sounds they make.
Offer some space
Find a spot that will serve as the 'pet area' and begin having the animal spend time there. Fill the space with favorite toys, a water bowl, some treats, and a place to rest, like a doggy bed or a cat tree.
Think about a trainer
If your dog is acting out before your baby arrives, consider enrolling him in obedience classes or hiring a trainer to come to your home.
Welcome your pet first
Say hello to your pet without the baby present. After the pet has calmed down, have your partner present your little one. Sometimes it's a good idea to keep the pet and child separate for several hours while the pet gets used to the baby being in the house.
Start off small
For the initial introduction, your dog should be on a leash in a sit/stay position and rewarded with petting or praise. Gradually, your dog and baby can be brought closer together. As long as the dog is quiet, you can let it remain nearby. The same holds true for cats: Hold your baby near your pet, and caress and talk soothingly to the animal.
Don't exclude your pet
A common problem is an animal acting up because it's not getting the same attention it was used to before the baby. So it's important to remember to include the pet as much as possible when you're around your child. Stick with the animal's regular routine, and try your best to spend a little one-on-one time with it each day. This may even help relax you too.
Image via Pinterest.