The statistics are frightening: in the last decade, the number of breast cancer cases in this country has risen by a third.
Annual diagnoses now stand at some 2,800 women.
As well as dealing with the disease, many of these women are faced with overcoming the lack of self-esteem that comes with the physical changes they experience.
One of the most common side effects of cancer treatment is hair loss, and it’s the one that many women find the most difficult to deal with.
However, over the years, more and more treatments have become available to these women that can help them regain some of that confidence.
And nobody knows that better than Elaine McParland of Up To My Eyes beauty salon.
Over the years, Elaine says she has seen a huge increase in women suffering from cancer coming to her salon for help.
“A lot of these women know they’re going to lose their brow hair once they begin treatment," Elaine says.
“We know we can help women look better, and therefore, feel better.”
Thinking about ways she and her staff could help, Elaine has decided to offer their services free of charge to five women over the next five weeks.
Check out the video below for all the details of their amazingly generous competition.