Our frontline workers are sacrificing so much and working tirelessly amid the current Covid-19 crisis. We need to show them just how grateful we are and there's one perfect way to do it!
There were uplifting scenes when the country first came together to #ApplaudTheFrontline and again to #ShineYourLight on Easter Sunday. Making #ApplaudTheFrontline a weekly event would enhance that feeling of solidarity and show on-going appreciation for our Frontline workers. Those that put others first, working to treat the sick, keep us safe, deliver necessities, staff our stores etc.
So, this Thursday and EVERY Thursday, come to your front door at 8pm and make some noise! Clap your hands, stamp your feet, bang a pot. Coming together to show that we’ll get through this together.
Invite family and friends to take part, and share your appreciation with #ApplaudTheFrontline. You can also share videos on the Applaud the Frontline Facebook page and on Twitter too.