Students who sat their Junior Cert this year have now been told when the results from their exams will be released.
The State Examinations Commission has announced that Junior Cert results will be shared with students on Wednesday November 23.
The students, who are now in transition year and fifth year, will be able to access their results online from 4pm on November 23.
The State Examinations Commission released a statement about why the results have taken so long to be released, as the students sat their exams over four months ago.
The spokesperson said, “The SEC appreciates that candidates and their parents/ guardians may be disappointed that these results are issuing later than normal”.
“This has arisen due to a combination of factors which include a later issue date for the Leaving Certificate results and, most especially, the impact of a shortage of teachers to mark the examinations over the summer marking period”.
They continued, “In most subjects, the number of teachers available to undertake roles as examiners was less than the number required to mark that subject within the normal summer marking window”.
“In all subjects, marking continued for an extended period of time in the summer and with many examiners agreeing to take on additional scripts to mark”.
Over 68,000 students sat the Junior Cert in 2022, across 21 subjects. This was a 5% increase in candidates since 2019.
Looking forward to the 2023 Junior Cert, the SEC revealed, “In advance of the 2023 examinations, the SEC will be reviewing with all of the stakeholders how best to ensure the availability of teachers in the required numbers to complete this important examination work”.