Necarne Castle

Necarne Castle Necarne Castle Necarne Castle Necarne Castle Necarne Castle
Equestrian Park
Fermanagh BT94 1GU


Eventing is the most demanding of all equestrian sports. The competition was originally designed to test the obedience, stamina, courage and fitness of the cavalry horses. It became an Olympic sport in 1896.Dressage is the first phase of the competition. Here the horse and rider perform a series of set movements in front of three dressage judges. The dressage tests examine the obedience, suppleness and responsiveness of the horse and the expertise and techniques of the rider. The second phase of the Event involves ‘Speed and Endurance’ which, as its title suggests, tests the speed, fitness and courage of both the horse and rider. Speed and endurance is divided into roads and tracks, steeplechase and cross- country. Once the Dressage and Speed and Endurance are over, the third phase is the show jumping. Each horse and rider will complete a course of show jumps, proving that they still have the energy, stamina and obedience to jump in a controlled and precise manner. At all times the performance of the horse and rider are under strict veterinary supervision.

