Martial Arts Pre-School

Martial Arts Pre-School
Banner Martial Arts & Fitness
No 3 Westgate Business Park
Kilrush Rd


Tiny Tiger Taekwon-do - Tigers course is specifically designed for children ages 4 - 7. The instructors use fun martial-arts-based games to improve your child’s co-ordination, flexibility, and attention-levels. Children learn to work together in pairs and in teams, and to treat each other with courtesy and respect. This course also reviews how to respond to bullies and to strangers. In this age of television and play stations, children in this age group are often anxious to learn the martial arts, but don’t understand that hitting and kicking really hurts people. The instructors emphasize that punching and kicking can hurt, and should never be practiced on other people, shown off to friends, or used outside of Taekwon-do class. Junior Taekwon do. The goal is to build their students from the inside out. This means that the first goal is to build confidence, self-discipline and self-esteem.

