Drama Makes Sense

Drama Makes Sense Drama Makes Sense Drama Makes Sense Drama Makes Sense Drama Makes Sense Drama Makes Sense
Drama Makes Sense


Drama Makes Sense was created by two mothers who wanted to change the way children are taught drama and film. Dawn Manning & Maura Cunningham met by happy chance as Dawn was setting up her drama classes with a sensory development focus while Maura was busy setting up her drama classes with a multimedia focus. They loved each other's ideas, so it simply made sense to incorporate the two.
Drama Makes Sense inspires children to believe in themselves and their own unique qualities. Their creative classes are child-centred and teach skills for life such as leadership, courage and creative thinking. They motivate their students to love who they are and express the way they see the world through the medium improvisational drama and film. Their drama & film classes cater for all age groups. They also create children's parties, communions, weddings and more with a dramatic twist. 
Please contact Drama Makes Sense for availability in your area.

