If you are the type of lady who tends to cling on to their beloved products you might want to take down a few notes.
This particular beauty product doesn’t last longer than three months. Once it is opened, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria so even if it is has not been used you should bin it. You will save yourself catching a nasty, not to mention, unattractive eye infection.
Foundation can last twice as long as mascara, from three months up to a year. Many products will tell you how long it can remain open for so have a look on the bottle. Water based ones should be thrown away after the six month mark as they attract bacteria; if you use if longer than recommended, you’ll just end up with spots and breakouts.
Eyeshadows tend to be the product that piles up in the bottom of the make-up bag. However, you might want to throw out any that have been there for more than three months. Creamy textured shadows tend to grow bacteria more than powder.
So before you buy any more make-up, have a look in your cosmetic bag to see what is in there.