During my first few weeks as a new parent I cried, a lot. Asking my partner, parents and anyone else who would listen ‘When will I feel normal again?’
Parenting, although filled with a new love like no other - can often be deeply overwhelming, and not at all what I had spent my pregnancy days imagining.
10 weeks in, and I have finally figured out this is my new normal.
- Two loads of laundry a day compared with two a week.
- Quick showers whilst listening to the baby monitor instead of lazy baths.
- Eight hour night sleeps replaced by four or five hours if lucky.
- Three consistent daily meals have been replaced by quick snacks and on a good day an evening meal once baby is settled.
- My pre pregnancy body has increased by a dress size and now features a stretch mark filled tummy.
But it is all worth it as I now know the sacrifices we make as parents are in order to do the best job possible for this amazing baby we have been so lucky to become responsible for.
- The constant noise of the washing machine is keeping my baby in clean baby grows.
- The quick shower, I appreciate more than anything when given the opportunity and come out feeling more alive than ever and ready to face whatever the day has to throw at me.
- The sleep deprivation is because of time taken to sooth my baby to ensure he has the goods night sleep needed to help him thrive
- The lack of daily meals is because of the time set aside to ensure my baby gets his daily milk intake needed to help him grow
- The pre pregnancy body I once longed to return didn't house the precious baby that has brought so much joy and love to our household
So this is my new normal, and I have to say I am getting to love it more and more each day and have finally started to settle into my new life as a rookie mum.