Anyone who has given birth will know that it is a personal time for you and your partner, and not one that you typically want the whole world and their aunt sitting in on. However, if new reports are anything to go by, it would seem that more and more mums are opening up the experience to those around them.


‘Crowdbirthing’ is the new phenomenon sweeping delivery rooms around the world, whereby mums are bringing their own entourage with them to witness them giving birth.


The team behind YouTube platform Channel Mum revealed that a recent survey showed how mums are bringing as many as eight onlookers into the delivery room as they prepare to welcome their child.


The study also revealed that, with the rise in crowdbirthing, more and more women are coming around to the idea of making their births a public event. Indeed, almost a quarter of mums surveyed admitted to sharing their experience through social media.


“The younger generation are used to sharing every aspect of their lives, so why not birth? Many women feel it is their biggest achievement and so want to share the moment with all of those closest to them,” said the channel’s founder, Siobhan Freegard.


What are your thoughts on this new trend? Are you pro-crowdbirthing?


