From your bedroom walls to your shower tiles, mould can literally grow in any area of the home if the right conditions are present.


Most homes have mould at one time or another, and while, in most cases, it is more unsightly than harmful, it is still important you remove and treat it to stop it coming back.


1. How does it form?

Mould forms in areas that are moist and warm and have an organic food source, and tend to be found where in wet or damp parts of your home, like roofs, pipes and walls. If not treated our home could develop a mould problem, or toxic and black mould may form.



2. How to spot mould

The most visible type of mould is mildew that starts off as black spots before eventually growing into large colonies if not treated. You may also be able to smell it if you have a high concentration of mould in your home. It tends to have a musty, outdoor kind of scent.


3. How to treat it:

  • To deal with mild cases, simply mix 1/2 part bleach with 2 parts water and scrub away – it should come off fairly easily.
  • Wear gloves and a mask if possible
  • Work in a well ventilated area – open all doors and windows or use a fan if you have one

To prevent it coming back, use dehumidifiers in the home and open windows as often as possible to help reduce moisture levels.



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