Audrey Dore-Geraghty, a mum based in Wexford, has voiced her concerns for her family and others due to the lack of support available for her son with severe autism.
In a new interview with RTÉ Prime Time, Audrey has opened up about her family’s heart-wrenching story.
Detailing her journey of raising her nine-year-old son Harrison, who has been diagnosed with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Audrey and her husband, Huw, spoke about wanting to highlight the critical need for support and services for children like Harrison and their desperate families.
During the candid interview with Miriam O’Callaghan, Audrey revealed the ‘overwhelming fear’ that affects her family every day, admitting that Harrison’s ‘escalating behaviour issues have left the family feeling trapped in their own home’.
She explained, “We're in a situation now where we're scared to be in the house on our own with Harrison and scared for the safety of our younger children”.
Audrey went on to detail how she and Huw live on three-day rotations, where one parent works in Dublin “and gets a full night’s sleep”, while the other cares for Harrison and their two younger children in Wexford.
As well as having autism, Harrison has also been diagnosed with several mental health illnesses including anxiety, oppositional defiance disorder, pathological demand avoidance, and possible bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Audrey went on to add, “The hits are harder, the bites are stronger, the kicks are stronger, the risk to the other children is massive, and we know that he's growing.”
Even though Audrey has tirelessly sought support for Harrison, he has been denied the treatment he desperately needs. They have been unable to access crucial services designed to assist children like Harrison, such as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Audrey and Huw sought psychiatric assistance abroad for Harrison, with a psychiatrist in Spain prescribing antipsychotic medication. This medication provided temporary relief, but resulted in significant side effects, causing Harrison to stop the medication earlier this year due to discomfort and distress.
The family has called on CAMHS and the wider health and care system for the essential help Harrison requires. They are worried that without proper intervention, Harrison's behaviour may escalate to a point where he becomes a risk to both society and those within their household.
Audrey added, “We worry that if he doesn't get managed and his behaviour doesn't get controlled with a multidisciplinary team, that he could end up in a very difficult place, which would be a very difficult place for us, too.”
After the family went public with their concerns last month, their story sheds light on the need for improved support and services for individuals with severe autism and their families.
During her Prime Time interview, Audrey stated, “I've had to go public on this story in an effort to make people listen and also to speak for other families who aren't being listened to”.
RTÉ Prime Time airs tonight, Thursday, October 5 at 9:35pm on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player.