There is only so much preparation you can make for the arrival of your first child – once they come into the world, you’re pretty much feeling your way through.


The first few months can be extremely testing and draining, which is totally normal – and this is something that Mel Watts wants every new mum to know.


Mel, who blogs at The Modern Mumma, took to Facebook to share a warts-and-all insight into her baby’s first ‘nine months out of the womb’.


Recalling just how challenging the experience has been, Mel wrote: “I have never slept so little in my life... I have suffered my worst anxiety I have ever experienced. Having a new baby is exhausting and life just doesn't stop. The bills still need to be paid, Groceries still need to be purchased and the pressure you put on yourself is overwhelming.”



How many of us have been right where Mel is?


While the first nine months are stressful as you try to maintain a balance and get to grips with parenting – a completely new phenomenon; Mel reminds us that we need to go easy on ourselves – we are only human, after all.


“We aren’t invincible. We’re humans and we’re mothers. It’s okay to have days that you don’t feel good enough. It’s okay to feel like you have no idea what day it is. You’ve got this. We’ve got this,” she adds.


Yes, being a mum can be tough, but it’s also one of the most rewarding parts of life, and each day down marks another little victory.



We can all take inspiration and encouragement from Mel’s final message, in which she reminds us that even though we may not believe it, we’re actually doing a great job.


“Life challenges us daily. We are given new obstacles every single day. There’s always tomorrow! So cheers to the first nine months of poop, spew and crappy sleep. We (I) survived, and we smashed it,” she writes.


Can you relate to Mel’s candid post?


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