Mum sparks online debate after sharing her Disney inspired baby name


One mum has left the internet divided after sharing a Disney inspired baby name. Taking to Mumsnet, she asked fellow mums, “If you met a baby or child named Elsa would you make a comment about Frozen?”


She shared that she doesn’t care about what people think about the name, once they keep nasty opinions to themselves. The mum admitted that she would be angry if anyone shared their negative opinion with her, “I don't want to get so annoyed with comments that I end up punching someone.”

Many mums agreed that the name Elsa was lovely and perfect for her little girl, “Elsa to me is the lioness who was in the classic Born Free.”



However, numerous users believed that the mum would get tonnes of comments about the Frozen inspired name, “You'll get a lot of comments but I still think it's a pretty name.”


One mum stated that people have no right to comment on your child’s name, “I would think of Frozen, but not sure I would comment on it as I just find it a bit rude making jokes out of names.”


Another shared, “I wouldn’t automatically think of Frozen but my children would. We’d all be far too polite to comment though.”



One mum joked, “My husband specialises in foot in mouth moments, I couldn’t rule out him singing that song.”


However, one mum said that the comments would start to bother you after a while, “If I'm honest, I think you will be fed up of hearing the comment before she even started school.”

What do you think of the name Elsa?



