I often wonder why our generation seems to be so obsessed with positive affirmation.
Every week there seems to be talks featuring various inspirational people telling others how they to can achieve their goals. For some, it has become a career to "talk" about "doing". So is it that we are more self-aware than the generation that went before us? Are we more in touch with mental and physical health and will do anything to ensure we are living life to the fullest?
I honestly don't know the answer but it is an interesting topic to discuss.
I have never attended a yoga retreat. I like the concept of mindfulness but can't seem to stand those who talk about it. I don't have the money to attend a one-week detox-reboot type of week, and if I did, I think I'd preferred to go on holiday! Having a life coach seems to now be a fairly normal part of modern life so I have been thinking what daily advice I would be given. And how the reality of having two young children might impact that.
Wake after a restful nights sleep in a calm room.
(Have your two-year-old physically open your eyelids after a night of cluster feeding your infant.)
Take ten minutes of quiet to go through your day in your mind.
(You can can just about hear "I want to watch TV" above the baby who is now wailing from the unexpected noise. You literally can't hear yourself think.)
Breathe deeply and set clear goals.
(Notice the, newly potty trained, toddler doing a crazy dance on the bed and urgently rush them to the toilet. Hit elbow off the door in the mad dash from the room. Pant through the pain. Make it to the toilet on time. Goal one complete.)
Take the time to focus on your appearance; first impressions are vital.
(Kids look like Boden models, at best, I look like Aunt Sally from Worzel Gummidge)
Eat a healthy breakfast and throughout the day fuel your body with slow releasing sources of energy.
(Eat the fourth breakfast choice the toddler asked for and then decided they didn't like. Spend the day boosting the body with quick energy releasing bars of chocolate, cakes and cups of coffee.)
Be positive. Positive thinking will result in positive outcomes.
(Try to persuade toddler that they would like to wear a coat. It's 4 degrees outside. Be positive. You can get this done without them screaming the house down. Or they can just wear a hat; it's not that cold.)
You can achieve anything to set your mind to.
(Except getting your toddler to do virtually anything they are asked to do, and getting the infant not to poo up their back as you are just about to leave the house.)
At the end of the day, reflect on what you achieved
(I achieved nothing quantifiable except creating more washing after allowing the toddler to jump in puddles. But I kept two little ones alive, fed and happy.)
Ask yourself what made you happy
(Belly laughing baby, dancing toddler, memories, hand holding, little chats (both with and without words)
Go to bed early
(Fall asleep when putting toddler to bed. Wake and sleepwalk downstairs for some Netflix. Wake up completely and spend an hour on social media before the baby decides it's time for the all-night buffet.)
Get eight hours sleep
(Over 3 days)
Be grateful for your life.
(All the time)