Mums top tips – How to trick yourself into cleaning
Here are a few tips to help trick yourself into tackling your cleaning chores and have some fun too!
Set a timer
No need to get overwhelmed by housework – set a timer for 20 minutes and give yourself permission to stop as soon as the bell sounds.
Play music
Just like your workout music can help motivate you to get through your cleaning jobs. Make a high tempo 20-minute playlist of your favourite music and clean until the music stops. You might even burn a few calories too!
Reward yourself
Don't allow yourself to read the paper or watch your favourite TV show until you’ve ticked off at least one of the cleaning tasks on your list.
Do one small task a day
By giving yourself one task to do each day, you’ll get to all of your weekly cleaning chores without the overwhelm. By Sunday you'll be relaxing with your copy of the Sunday World in your spotless home instead of spending the weekend cleaning.
Invite visitors
Being house proud when you’ve got visitors coming is one of the strongest motivations there is for cleaning the house from top to bottom.
Try a new cleaning product
Much like a new dress you can't wait to show-off, if you invest in a fancy new cleaning product, it may motivate you to try it out.

