Dogs Trust are offering free microchipping in honour of National Chipping Week 2018. The animal welfare charity are hoping to boost awareness about the importance of microchipping in Ireland by offering the service to dog owners.
They have launched the initiative in association with Fido, a Government approved chip registration service.
It is a legal requirement to have your dog microchipped in Ireland. However, the number of microchipped dogs in Ireland remains low.
It is believed a mere 25 percent of dogs in Irish pounds were reunited with their owners. Dogs Trust believes the solution to this problem is microchipping.
Free Chipping Clinics will be taking place at the following Maxi Zoo stores:
Maynooth – August 14
Tallaght – August 16
Finglas – August 17
Dogs Trust have advised dog owners to book a place at the free clinics. We’re sure there will be a huge demand for this amazing service.
They are also offering certificates to dog owners who have their dogs microchipped already.
Dog owners who need to update their certificate can also avail of the service.
For owners who are unaware of their pet’s microchip number, visit your local vet. They can scan the chip with a microchip reader.
They stressed the importance of keeping the certificate up to date so make sure yours has all the correct details.