Ants are definitely a summer problem and, no, we’re not simply talking about flying ants that seem to have swept the nation over the past few days. Small ‘normal-sized’ ants are just as much of a nuisance, particularly when they enter your home and don’t want to leave.


While there are plenty of ant poisons available in the shops, choosing a more natural alternative is not only better for the environment, it is also a lot safer for your family.


These methods work for a small invasion and are humane, in that they won’t kill them.


1. Chalk         

Draw a line around the opening that they are coming through and you fairly quickly stop them in their tracks – ants won’t cross over the chalk.


2. Ground coffee beans

It is not known why, but ground coffee beans placed at the entrance of an ant home will encourage them to move away – hopefully to an area outside the house.



3. Lemon juice

Spray a mix of lemon juice and water where they keep coming in and they will hopefully move on.


4. Cinnamon

Just like the chalk ants won’t cross a line of cinnamon. Both ground cinnamon or an essential oil work equally well and  they will leave your house smelling lovely.


5. Vinegar

Ants create scent trails in their search for food encouraging more and more ants to follow the food source. However, a little white vinegar along their paths or near their entrances will put them off the trail. 


