Slugs are a bit of a pest, eating your new flowers and fruits often not leaving enough of the plant to allow it to try to grow again.


And while you won’t be able to rid your garden of them forever, there are a few things you can do to at least stop them before they get near your lovely plants.


Water plants in the morning

Slugs love the damp ground so try to water your plants mid-morning so the ground is dry before nightfall. This should hopefully keep the slugs at bay.


Avoid organic mulch 

Steer clear of spreading grass clippings or straw around your beds.


Grow herbs 

Slugs don't like a number of herbs so plant some ginger, chives or mint to deter them from your garden.


Bitter green vegetables

Slugs don’t like bitter green vegetables like kale or spring cabbage so plant a few of these around your garden.


Encourage birds to your garden 

Birds are natural predators so encourage them into your garden by leaving out food or erecting a bath.


Copper strips 

Protect your plants by putting a strip of copper around raised beds, pots and plants in the ground. Make sure the copper is wide enough that the slug can’t bridge it.


