Every year, hundreds of unwanted kittens and puppies are born, making neutering, or spaying in the case of a female, something that every owner should consider.


If you have been thinking about it, here’s what you need to know:


What is neutering?

In males, neutering involves castration whereby the testicles are removed while in females it involves removing the ovaries and the womb.


When should it be done?

It is important you get your pet neutered as soon as possible so that they don’t have any unwanted babies.  Five to six months of age is the preferred time.


Will it hurt?

It is usually done under a general anaesthetic and your pet should recover fairly soon after.


What are the benefits?

Some pets become less aggressive once they have been neutered, and it also stops a Tom cat from spraying their territory which can be a hard to get rid of smell. A female dog in heat also attracts a number of dogs and an unneutered female can also experience signs of a phantom pregnancy.


Your local vet will be able to perform the procedure and the cost usually depends on the size of your animal. 

