You have no doubt been inflicted with a fair amount of unwanted advice ever since you told people that you were expecting, and it certainly doesn’t stop when you go on to finally give birth.


However, while there are a few things that you can ignore, some advice can be pretty beneficial, particularly when it comes to caring for a newborn.


Here are five pieces of advice that you would do well to listen to:


"Sleep when baby sleeps"

This is the ultimate piece of advice to heed. Seriously, forget the washing up and ignore the dust on the fireplace and rest up. You don’t need to go asleep, grabbing a cup of tea, putting on your favourite TV show and relaxing for an hour is time well spent. You are literally on the go from the minute your little one wakes up until naptime so you deserve a bit of me-time.


"Don’t listen to everything someone tells you"

Ok this might be a little bit contradictory on our part! But one of the best pieces of advice that you can listen to is the person who tells you to ignore advice that you don’t want. By all means listen to what others say, but you don’t necessarily need to  heed their advice. Take from it what you like and get on with life.


"Trust your gut instinct"

If you think something is wrong don’t have someone tell it’s not without fully checking it out. A mother’s intuition is finely tuned to the needs of their child and only you will be able to tell if something is not right.


"Soak up every moment - it flies by"

It does. It really, really does. One minute your youngster is just learning to feed and the next they are crawling around getting into every nook and cranny. 


"Ignore the so-called 'perfect parent'"

Don’t sweat it if your little one cries what feels like all the time and your friend’s baby sleeps like a log because babies cry, that’s what they do. Babies will be babies and kids will be kids.  Don’t compare your child to a so-called 'perfect parent' who tells you their little one sleeps through the night. For all you know they could be awake for the entire day while your little one might nap a couple of times. 


