It has been revealed that more than 180 creches in Ireland have closed down since the start of last year.
A total of 141 creches shut their doors for the final time in 2022, while another 42 businesses closed between January and June of this year.
The figures were supplied this week by the Department of Children, and have grown concerns amongst childcare providers - especially when the Government launched a €287m funding scheme in 2021 to help creches.
However, the report also found that the sector is gradually improving, as it was noted that the rate at which creches are shutting down has slowed since the introduction of the Government’s investment plan.
It was also concluded that in the same timeframe of 18 months, 101 new creche services opened around the country.
Following the release of the Government’s data, childcare providers have been speaking out about their thoughts on the issue.
Elaine Dunne, chairperson of the Federation of Early Childhood Providers (FECP), spoke to the Irish Independent about her concerns.
Ms Dunne argued that creches are still being put in financial strain, despite the Government’s funding. As a result, FECP members are planning to shut their doors in protest for three days next month, from September 26 to 28.
“I’ve heard of another provider in Naas that is closing at the end of August,” she explained. “Parents have been ringing around other creches that are full so there are no places available. They decided to close because core funding wasn’t enough and were struggling with burnout.”
Ms Dunne said the government scheme for this year amounts to an extra three cents per child, and two cents for school-aged services.
Another creche owner, Tina Sherlock, also admitted that she plans to close her Cork business after 12 years.
“I don’t want to give up but the stress is killing me. There are so many rules and regulations,” she confessed.