The Department of Education has introduced new rules for schools when exempting students from studying the Irish language.
They have decided that students with disabilities will no longer have to go through a psychological assessment for an exemption from the subject.
Changes have also been made for pupils attending special schools or classes.
The choice to grant an exemption will be made by the school’s principal. Exemptions will only be granted in rare and exceptional circumstances.
An appeals system has been introduced for students who are unhappy with the principal’s decision.
The amendments, which will be rolled out this September, only apply to English-speaking schools.
Minister for Education Joe McHugh commented, “By making key changes the system will be fairer and more supportive of students while at the same time ensuring that all children have equal access to study the Irish language.
"The decision to grant an exemption from the study of Irish should not be taken lightly. It is an important decision that will have implications for the student's future learning,” he added.