We are constantly hearing of the incredible power of breast milk; unfortunately, however, not every baby has access to this liquid gold.


The wonderful people at the New York Milk Bank know this all too well, and have accordingly brought about an amazing new measure. The New York State Legislature has just approved a new provision to cover breast milk donations for premature babies from low-income families, in its forthcoming budget.


This new provision will ensure that every preemie will get the same chance, regardless of their parents’ circumstances.


And why is this measure so important? Well, studies have proven that breast milk is incredibly important for preemies and their delicate systems.



One of the biggest threats posed to a preemie’s health is the risk of developing a condition called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This condition can cause serious damage to a baby’s intestines, resulting in swelling and inflammation, and it can be life-threatening in some instances.


While preemies are at an increased risk of developing NEC, they have a secret weapon that can make all the difference: breast milk.


Medical experts in New York are already well aware of how powerful breast milk is, and the wonderful team at the New York Milk Bank have been going to great lengths to ensure that no one who wants it goes without. They have, accordingly, been hand-delivering donated breast milk to mothers across the city.


The team played a huge role in bringing about this latest provision, which is currently only available to those availing of insurance with Medicaid. Executive Director Julie Bouchet-Horwitz is hoping that more brokers will join in, however.



In an interview with the Public News Service, Ms Bouchet-Hortwitz explained the significance of the new provision.


“For every six babies that you treat with donor milk, you save one incidence of NEC. It’s definitely cost-effective for them to prevent this disease,” she said.


New York is the latest state to provide such a provision, alongside California, Kansas, Missouri, Texas and Utah.


We think this is an amazing idea – every bundle of joy should get the exact same chance at health and life, and we would love to see this introduced on a broader scale.

