This story really shocked us. A newborn baby was found left in a car while her mother went to the shops. The baby had a note pinned to her asking passers-by to call her mum if the baby needed her.
A witness spotted the note which was written in the baby’s perspective saying “Mum’s in doing the shopping, call her if I need anything”. The note had a mobile number at the end.
The witness said “We waited there for a little bit, wondering if the mum was just going to be two seconds and come back. And my wife said, ‘I’m not going in without someone being here with the baby.'”
The couple decided to ring the mother and the picture was later posted on Facebook, which soon went viral.
The witness stated that the baby seemed to be well cared for and said “As parents ourselves we know it is hard to get a baby to sleep, and once you start moving them they can wake up ... we thought it was just a silly decision by a tired mother."
As nobody lodged a complaint, police cannot investigate the case, however it is against New Zealand law for a child to be left unattended without making sufficient provisions.
March 2013

